Pilgrims of Hope 

Biblical and spiritual foundations for the Holy Year

by Drs Fiorello Mascarenhas SJ and Renu Rita Silvano OCV

Better Yourself Books, Fathers of St Paul, Mumbai (pages 112).

As a busy lay professional, I am captivated by the wonderful insights provided here regarding a Christian's fruitful reception of the graces of the Jubilee Holy Year 2025. To be a "Pilgrim of Hope" is lucidly explained for Catholics who desire real communion with God.

All human beings are persons of hope, as pilgrims in our world – and we Christians should be even more so; don't we proclaim daily in the Mass: "as we wait with joyful hope for the blessed coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?"

The basics of Christian discipleship are treated in a truly fresh way, with personal sharing from the authors' rich experiences of retreats preached and books authored. A masterful skill for simplifying profound Biblical truths is shown, and lovely gems from Pope Francis and St Pope John Paul II are quoted, making this a lovely "Identity of a Christian – Handbook."

I am quite impressed by the smorgasbord of invaluable nuggets offered in the 12 brief chapters: Graced Relationships; The Pilgrim Cries 'ABBA'; Jesus, the Pioneer Pilgrim; Broadening Our Horizons; A Pilgrimage to Holiness; Mary's Pilgrimage Continues, and so on. Finally, the Conclusion extends the theme to People of Other Faiths very well. A most helpful and practical book!

I will be reading it several times throughout the Holy Year, and I heartily recommend it to my fellow Catholics to buy and read it too!

 Royston Braganza