Diocesan News 

Archdiocesan Meeting of Parish SCC Coordinators

All Parish SCC Coordinators are invited to a meeting on Sunday, August 18, 2024 at Our Lady of Salvation Church hall, ground floor, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (followed by lunch). RSVP on bombayscc@gmail.com by August 12 latest.

         Bp Allwyn D'Silva

Catholic weekly's Editor retires after 30 years  of illustrious service

Fr Anthony Charanghat's distinguished 30-year tenure as the Editor of The Examiner, the Catholic weekly of the Archdiocese of Bombay, was celebrated with great appreciation on July 12. The celebration also coincided with 'Examiner Day,' marking a special occasion for the publication and its community.

Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, along with numerous priests, dignitaries, and staff, gathered to honour Fr Charanghat's contributions and many achievements during his editorial journey. The speakers at the event highlighted his dedication, impact, and the milestones reached under his leadership.

As Charanghat passes the editorial baton to Fr Joshan Rodrigues, Archbishop Gracias extended his best wishes for the continued success of The Examiner in its new phase.

In addition to his role as editor of The Examiner, Charanghat also served as the head of an organization representing the Catholic Church in Mumbai across electronic and print media. He was the director of the Catholic Communications Office and spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Bombay. He assumed the editor position at The Examiner in June 1994 and held it until recently.

The Examiner, India's 162-year-old official Catholic news weekly, was founded in 1850, and is published in Bombay. With over 25,000 subscribers worldwide, the paper aims to examine issues, events, friends, and the Christian faith. It is regarded as a reliable source for assessing the Christian perspective on various issues prevalent in the Indian subcontinent. The publication is popular among Christians seeking to understand their faith and the Church's stance on worldly matters. Government officials and political parties also consult it to understand the Church's position on issues that impact them.

Fr Charanghat holds a diploma in Journalism, Print and Electronic media from the Xavier Institute of Communications in Mumbai, as well as M.A. and LL.B. degrees in Literature, Sociology, Civil Law, and Media from the University of Mumbai. He also organised training in personality development, Management courses, and counselling.

Throughout his career, Fr Charanghat provided creative writing, editorial skills, and media relations activities for youth and social work groups, leaving a lasting impact on the community he served.

         RVA News

Inter-School Choral Recitation

The Catholic Gymkhana Ltd. conducted its first Inter-school Choral Recitation Competition on July 5, 2024. About 200 students from eight schools participated. The event was graced by the presence of the Chief Guest, Dr Cheryl Misquitta, and the Guest of Honour, Mr Roger Pereira. The Competition displayed the amazing talent and capabilities of our students today. Campion, Alexandra Girls High School and St Anne's, Fort were adjudged the Winners, 1st Runners-up and 2nd Runners-up respectively. The winning schools were awarded "The Catholic Gymkhana Fr Bosco Pereira Memorial" Trophies. Each child was given a takeaway bag and a participation certificate as a token of appreciation.

We were blessed to have three distinguished judges: Mrs Noeline D'Costa, Dr Rochelle Almeida and Mr Joseph Coutinho. The Choral Recitation Competition was professionally hosted by Ms Sarita Manchanda. This was the brainchild of Ms Everilda D'Mello, under the leadership of the President, Mr Vernon Miranda, and ably supported by the Cultural Sub-Committee members Anne D'Souza, Joannette Remedios, Claire Pereira and Norbert Pereira.

         Claire Pereira

Professional Excellence for Teachers and School Heads

On July 12, 2024, the St Stanislaus Institutions in Bandra hosted an energising one-day workshop, "Inspiring the Future – Professional Excellence for Teachers and School Heads." With 110 enthusiastic delegates in attendance, the day was all about growth, collaboration, and inspiration.

Guided by the insightful Vincent D'Silva, Chairman of Dimensions Global Christian Chamber of Commerce, the workshop was a whirlwind of ideas and practical strategies. We dived into essential topics like self-awareness and the importance of reinventing ourselves, explored the elements of grooming and professional presence, and discussed how to foster attitudes of excellence in our daily interactions.

One of the highlights was learning how to connect meaningfully with others and modernise our teaching methods. We tackled challenges such as managing classroom dynamics, navigating work pressures, and handling disruptive students or even aggressive parents with grace.

The day was filled with rich discussions about building a positive school culture and embodying the personal attributes of a great teacher. We explored the art of positive discipline, the importance of trust, and the power of collaboration in our work. It was a great reminder of the need to continually upgrade our knowledge and skills while maintaining a resilient mindset in the face of challenges.

Each session was thoughtfully structured, making complex ideas accessible through engaging anecdotes and stories. Group activities fostered connections among participants, allowing us to appreciate one another in ways we often miss in our busy schedules. The use of visual aids and real-life case studies turned the workshop into an enriching experience that we'll carry forward in our professional journey.

Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity to reflect, learn, and inspire one another, as we all strive for excellence in our roles as educators and leaders. Here's to continuing this journey together!

                         Leena D'Souza

FHC and Confirmation Catechists learn to form Disciples for Jesus

On July 14, 2024, the Diocesan Catechetical Centre organised a gathering for First Holy Communion and Confirmation catechists at St Michael Church Auditorium, Mahim. The event commenced at 5:15 p.m. and saw the participation of 189 catechists (104 First Holy Communion and 85 Confirmation Catechists) from various parishes across the archdiocese. The keynote speaker, Fr Herold Quadros, the Assistant Parish Priest at St John the Evangelist Church, Marol, shared his wealth of experience from various teaching assignments during his formation since his ordination in 2022.

The session, titled 'Forming Disciples for Jesus,' was both interactive and lively, with attendees divided into groups of around ten for discussions, fostering engagement and collaboration. Key themes included the role of catechists in nurturing faith, empowered by the Holy Spirit, planting seeds of faith and trusting the Holy Spirit for growth, and emphasising teaching over convincing. Evangelisation was highlighted as the core mission, with the goal of catechesis being to bring the faithful into intimate communion with Christ. This involves teaching children to love Jesus, making Him their friend, and encouraging them to communicate with Him as someone who cares deeply for them.

Catechists face several challenges, such as time constraints, uncooperative parents, and low attendance. Recruiting new catechists and dealing with non-supportive clergy can also be difficult. Additionally, there is often a sense of complacency and the challenge of addressing broken family structures. Mental health issues among students present another challenge, requiring catechists to be approachable and available for conversation. Striving to follow Christ as the ultimate role model and avoiding the sin of mediocrity is a constant effort for those in this ministry. To address these challenges, catechists must be sources of forgiveness and understanding for their students. Meeting children where they are and guiding them requires empathy and kindness, coupled with assertiveness. Staying close to our Blessed Mother for spiritual support is also important. Rather than simply being teachers, catechists should act as educators and companions in their students' faith journeys. Keeping oneself updated and combining faith with works through creative activities like field trips and online video calls can help maintain engagement and foster a deeper connection with the faith.

Fr Herold also answered numerous questions and welcomed suggestions from the audience throughout the session. The session concluded with a beautiful prayer service, beginning with the hymn 'Lay Your Hands' and a reading from the Gospel of Mark 4:26-29. Fr Herold used the parable of the seeds to encourage catechists to do their best in sowing the seeds of faith in children and trust the Holy Spirit for growth.

The event wrapped up with a vote of thanks by Sandra Lobo of St Michael Church, Mahim. She expressed gratitude to Fr Herold for the informative and interactive session, summarised key points, and shared her takeaways for her ministry. Fr Vincent D'Cruz, the Director of the Diocesan Catechetical Centre, delivered a short speech, thanking everyone for their participation, and sharing instructions and words of wisdom with the catechists. The gathering ended at 7:45 p.m., marking a fruitful and inspiring evening for all the attendees.