Diocesan News 

APC Meeting

The next Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC) Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 4:15 p.m. at Salvation Seva Kendra hall (2nd Floor), Dadar West. The Agenda has been sent to all the members. Those members who have not received it, please contact 98195 85747 during office hours. Members are requested to be on time.

World Day of the Sick

Programmes organised by Catholic Hospitals

On the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, which coincides with Our Lady of Lourdes Feast – February 11, 2025 – the Catholic Hospitals in the Archdiocese of Bombay have organised various outreach programmes. This year, particularly, the main focus is on the mental wellbeing of individuals, which many a times, due to social stigma or bias, people shy away or refrain from availing treatment through therapy, counselling or medication. The Archdiocese of Bombay intends to create an awareness campaign on 'Nurturing Healthy Minds' through these outreach programmes/camps.

The Catholic Hospitals involved in this programme are: St Elizabeth Hospital, Malabar Hill, Karuna Hospital, Borivli, Holy Cross Hospital, Kalyan, Shraddha Vihar Health Centre, Andheri, Holy Family Hospital, Bandra, Holy Spirit Hospital, Andheri and St Ann's Hospital, Mira Road. There will be a special prayer service and Eucharist, which will include blessing the hands of the healthcare professionals, anointing of the sick in hospital beds in all the hospitals. In addition to the above, the hospitals will be conducting various programmes.

Holy Spirit Hospital will be having a talk on 'Nurturing Healthy Minds' by Dr Sherly John, Consultant Psychiatrist. Holy Family Hospital will be hosting a seminar on February 11, 2025 at 3 p.m. on 'Nurturing Healthy Minds' conducted by Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr Deepti Kukreja, followed by a session on yoga and meditation. St Elizabeth Hospital will be conducting a session on 'Nurturing healthy minds' for girls in the age group of 12-16 years, at St Catherine's Home, Andheri West, on February 16, 2025 by Dr Fabian Almeida.

Karuna Hospital will be hosting a week-long programme from February 5-10, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Wednesday, February 5 – 'Self-Care and Mental Health Optimism' by Dr Devendra Save; Thursday, February 6 – 'Yoga and Music: Managing Anxiety, depression and stress' by Ms Mukta Tolani; Friday, February 7 – 'Digital Influence on Mental health: The Double-Edged sword' by Dr Jacob Thomas. A Mental Wellness camp will also be conducted on this day. Saturday, February 8 – 'The role of Nutrition in mental health' – Ms Manisha Bonde. Monday, February 10 - 'Renewing the Mind through Scriptures' – Fr Dr Walter D'Souza.

Jubilee Year Celebration at Uttan

On January 16, 2025, the Archdiocese of Bombay celebrated a momentous occasion as part of its Jubilee Year 2025 at Our Lady of Vailankanni Shrine in Uttan. The shrine was chosen as one of the four sacred pilgrimage sites where the Holy Cross would be venerated by the faithful during this Jubilee Year. Centred on the theme "Pilgrims of Hope," the event featured the solemn installation of the Holy Cross.

The parishioners of Uttan gathered at the Mother Church of Our Lady of the Sea to embark on a new journey. The ceremony was graced by the presence of Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes, who presided over the installation of the Holy Cross.

The Holy Cross was carried with great respect and devotion in a solemn procession by the parishioners of Our Lady of the Sea Church to the shrine of Our Lady of Vailankanni. As the procession made its way through the streets of Uttan, the faithful were united in their devotion, marking the moment as a true pilgrimage of hope. Upon reaching the shrine, the Holy Cross was installed with reverence and prayer. Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes led the Rite of Installation, offering prayers and blessings over the Holy Cross.

Following the installation of the Holy Cross, the Eucharistic celebration began, with Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes as the main celebrant. The faithful gathered in large numbers to commemorate this significant occasion in the Jubilee Year. During the Mass, Fr Leslie delivered a heartfelt homily, speaking deeply about the spiritual meaning of the event. He touched on themes of faith, love, resurrection and hope, reminding everyone that the Cross is a symbol of renewal and a source of inspiration for all believers. His message was one of strength, encouragement, and unwavering faith.

This landmark occasion serves as a call to strengthen our spiritual lives, embrace love, and walk in faith as one community. Let us continue this sacred journey with hearts full of gratitude, inspired by the message:

"Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim, till all the world adore His sacred name."

         Mr Shoun Colaco

St Paul Church celebrates Golden Jubilee

Sunday, January 26, 2025 marked an important day in the history of our parish. St Paul Church, Dadar celebrated the Feast of St Paul, our Patron, and the Golden Jubilee of our church building and the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The grand celebration began with a red carpet welcome to Cardinal Oswald Gracias. Our Parish Priest, Fr Austin Norris, and Fr Christopher Fernandes greeted him with various ceremonial traditions, including:

(a) the presentation of roses and bouquets by Parish Pastoral Council members, Sunday School Children and parishioners, symbolising the community's love and respect for his presence and leadership in the faith.

(b) a live performance by a brass band, as they played an uplifting selection of hymns and festive tunes, filling the air with a sense of joy and reverence, and

(c) the traditional aarti by Sr Charmaine, Jacqueline D'Souza and Agnes Lobo.

The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion, with the altar adorned with vibrant flowers, graciously arranged by our Convent Sisters.

Cardinal Oswald Gracias, who was accompanied by Fr Neil Dos Santos, inaugurated a new statue of St Paul, our Patron, with a prayer, blessed it with incense and sprinkled Holy Water, symbolising the parish's commitment to honouring the Saint's guidance and protection.

The Holy Eucharist commenced with the solemn procession led by the altar servers followed by the 14 Confirmands, along with their parents, Lectors, priests and the Cardinal. The Choir sang beautifully, leading the faithful as the procession made its way to the altar. The Cardinal officiated the Eucharist along with Fr Austin Norris, Fr Angelo Lobo, Fr Christopher Fernandes and our guest concelebrants, Fr Neil Dos Santos, Fr Walter Pen, Fr Evan D'Souza, Fr Lawrence D'Souza, Fr Christopher Pereira, Fr Blaise Fernandes and Fr Baptist Monteiro SDB.

Cardinal Gracias delivered a homily focusing on the importance of faith, community, commitment to God, and with a sense of gratitude, thanked Fr Austin for inviting him to celebrate the Eucharist. He then administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to the 14 Confirmands who had been well prepared for this milestone in their spiritual journey by Fr Austin, Fr Christopher, and the Catechist, Prof Bosco Fernandes, by laying his hands on each confirmand, invoking the Holy Spirit, and blessing them with the gifts of faith and strength to continue their Christian journey.

Fr Austin expressed his heartfelt thanks to Cardinal Oswald Gracias for accepting the invitation to celebrate the feast Mass and for his meaningful homily, which touched the hearts of all present. He also extended gratitude to the guest concelebrants, whose presence added to the beauty and sanctity of the celebration. Each confirmand was presented with a keychain resembling the Sacrament of Confirmation, symbolising their commitment to their faith.

The Parish Feast Mass was a profound and joyful celebration; it brought the parish community closer together in faith and shared devotion, giving us the feeling that "We Belong Together."

         Fely Lopes

Promoting Psychological Safety in schools

"True education begins where every child feels safe, included, and supported to thrive, regardless of their differences."

A Summit of School Principals on the theme "Protecting Students 'At Risk' – Promoting Psychological Safety in Schools" was held on January 22, 2025, at Don Bosco High School, Matunga. 182 delegates, including principals, heads, and teachers from schools throughout India, attended the event, which was co-hosted by Don Bosco High School, Matunga, and the Institute of Counsellor Training Research and Consultancy (ICTRC) under "Project Paradigm."

The Principal of Don Bosco High School, Matunga, Mrs Anita Philip, gave the opening remarks at the summit. She emphasised the importance of creating strong, continuous relationships within schools to foster growth and development for both students and educators. Chief Guests for the summit included Mr Keshav Singh, Mr Aditya Nair, Rector Fr Godfrey D'Souza, and Mrs Anita Philip, who underscored the significance of psychological safety and inclusive education.

Dr Keshav Singh, Coordinator and Visiting faculty, led a session exploring the multifaceted concept of "students at risk." He addressed their social, academic, and psychological needs, emphasising the importance of behaviour modification labs and targeted interventions. Introducing the concept of "ESM (Every Student Matters)," he advocated for a holistic approach that recognises students' untapped potential, and rejects the notion that differences are deficiencies.

Mr Aditya Nair elaborated on the challenges faced by students 'at risk', citing factors like dysfunctional families, high-risk environments, and special educational needs. He discussed the consequences of these risks, including isolation, violence, substance abuse, and self-harm. Mr Nair also addressed gaps in school systems and the impact of policies like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the 'no detention' policy.

The summit emphasised tiered interventions, school counselling, after-school programmes, and differentiated instruction to support students 'at risk'. It highlighted the importance of school-parent collaboration to create inclusive, supportive environments. Delegates left with actionable insights to address the diverse needs of students 'at risk', and foster psychologically safe and growth-oriented school environments.

         Carol Fernandes & Sydelle Mascarenhas for BIS Mumbai

Irla hosts Bible Festival 2025

The word 'festival' brings happiness and gladness to one's heart, since it involves celebration. And when it's coupled with the Bible, then it's time for true, unending celebration. The Bible Festival took place on January 26, 2025, interlocking it with the Republic Day of our nation. The much-awaited day included events such as the Bible Quiz, Biblical Fashion Show, Bible Games, Bible Dialogue Contest, Bible Housie, spot prizes related to Bible, etc.

The Bible Cell team, spearheaded by Deacon Lawrence Sahayadass, welcomed the participants to the Fest, as the participants from different age groups stepped into the venue - the Prayer Hall. It was a beautiful sight to behold the enthusiastic participants of the Bible Fashion Show, adorned with colourful and elaborate costumes from fresh leaves to flowery robes, trying to fit themselves into the Biblical characters, to the best of their knowledge and wisdom. The Fashion Show characters were selected by the participants through a draw of lots, a month before the scheduled day of the festival.

Our Parish Priest, Fr Ivan Mascarenhas, accompanied by Fr Nilesh and Fr Rajesh, spent their precious time to preside over the programme. The introductory prayer was recited by Vera, a senior member of the Bible Cell team. The judges for the Biblical Fashion Show and Biblical Dialogue Contests were felicitated with beautiful saplings by Cicily, head of the Core Team of the Bible Cell.

After an inaugural address by Fr Ivan, the programme began in earnest, with the Fashion Show contestants walking down the ramp to thrilling background music, from Moses to Mary Magdalene, Eve to the Samaritan woman, Mother Mary to Ruth and Hannah. They cried, they laughed, they knelt, and fell flat to do their best.

After a coffee break, the Bible Quiz began in the Church Hall. The Quiz was based on the Gospel of Matthew. 'Some stood tall while some blew it all, as they faced the test to write their best'. The Biblical Games brought gladness and excitement to all, be it youth or elders. For the Dialogue Contest, the contestants were given time to prepare between the events. The statements or dialogues of 2-5 sentences, which they had received, were drawn through lots much before the other events. The dialogues of various Biblical characters were spoken and enacted by the contestants, be it Judas, Queen of Sheba, or Isaac, the son of Abraham. Some got into the skin of the character and brought out hitherto unspoken qualities and talents, showcasing the Biblical characters in a new light.

After an exciting game of Bible Housie, it was time for sharing words of gratitude and thanksgiving. It was now time for the prize distribution ceremony. Dn Lawrence called out the names of the winning participants who won accolades for their performance. The winners received their prizes from the judges and the Core Team members - Cicily, Vera, Elizabeth, Stella, Valonia and Hannah.

Truly, it was a magnificent celebration, and a reminder to read and learn the Word of God regularly, so that we bring more light into our lives and cast out every work of darkness. All Glory to God for giving us innovative ways to imbibe the Word of God.

         Mrs Hannah Balah

Prayer for Christian Unity

On the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Inter-Religious Dialogue (IRD) Cell of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Orlem, invited representatives from other denominations in the neighbourhood for an evening of prayer on January 23, 2025. Rev. Fr Samson from Bethel Mar Thoma Church from Jankalyan Nagar attended along with a few parishioners. There were readings from Scripture, intercessory prayers and hymns. The Nicene Creed which has relevance to Christian unity was also recited. Fr Ronny Vaz, the Spiritual Director of the IRD Cell, said a prayer for all those present and thanked them for their participation in the Prayer Service. The final hymn, "We are Happy Christians, all United in the Lord" was indeed appropriate.

         Melville X. D'Souza (IRD member)

Vocation and Bible Week at Holy Name Cathedral

The theme for January 2025 in the Jubilee Year activity was Vocations and Bible Week. With broad guidelines shared by the Diocesan Team, a Core Team under the leadership of Fr Clifton Lobo got their thinking caps on and found a way to involve the entire parish Community over the span of two weeks.

Vocation Week had the priests delivering a short and inspiring talk on how they were led to their Vocation. A special Rosary conducted by the Prayer Group and a Holy Hour formed part of our spiritual devotion. On the Saturday of Vocation Week, Fr Vivian Almeida, SJ, from St Xavier's College, who was ordained three years ago, spoke about nurturing Vocations at the evening Mass. Sunday morning saw our Sunday School children visit Stephen Hall, the home of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady, where they were not just served a yummy snack, but also had Sr Lawrencea talk to them about her calling and what the Religious of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady do.

Bible Week saw Videos, Reading, Reflection and Prayer, Spiritual Singing, and a Bible Quiz. Scripted by Vinita Roche, the Sunday School students (along with the Youth) got together to put out short videos each day, which included the Gospel Reading and an explanation and reflection about the same. These went out on the Parish mobile broadcast and our Social Media channels each morning.

The Bible Triduum began on Friday with the Prayer Group conducting a short service in the Cathedral—a reading from Scripture, Reflection, Prayer, followed by the evening Mass.

The plan for Saturday was given as Gospel Karaoke; however, we decided to change it to an evening of Joyful Celebration Gospel Singing. Scripted and directed by Amanda Rebello, the varied Choirs and Cantors of the [arish each sang three hymns which were based on the different lines of the Jubilee Prayer, with the grand finale being all of them coming together to raise their voices in praise, as they sang "Hungry, Thirsty, Lord, we came" before ending with the Jubilee Anthem. Each section started with a short reflection based on a theme from the Jubilee Prayer. From Children to Youth, Young Adults, Seniors and the Religious… as each group raised their voices in praise, the congregation also participated, making it a very meaningful evening.

Sunday morning saw each Community send forward a team of four members to participate in the Bible Quiz. Each of the nine Community Teams had to include a school going child, a youth, an adult, and a senior citizen. There were also Spot Prizes for Audience participation. Bible and Vocation Week didn't end on January 26; it continued with a talk on Vocations by Fr Kelvin Santis in the Cathedral on January 29 to the Youth and Young Adults of the parish.

Salesian Sister wins Golden Book Award

Sr Teresa Joseph fma, who currently resides at the Mazzarello Youth Centre, Auxilium Convent, Wadala West, has been presented the Golden Book Award 2025 by Wings Publication International for her book 'Dream Big, Dream True: 35 Tips to make the best of your Life'. The Award recognises exceptional books for their impact on society. The citation states, "This achievement is a reflection of your exceptional storytelling, dedication, and the powerful impact your words have made on readers."

Bhayandar Deanery celebrates Day of Consecrated Life

On the feast day of the Presentation of the Lord, Bhayandar Deanery celebrated Day of Consecrated Life. This deanery has ten parishes and around 45 religious sisters from these parishes attended this programme organised by Fr Steven Kika, the Director of the Muktisagar Prabodhan Kendra. After having some light snacks, the programme began with a prayer Service led by Fr Steven. Then he conducted a session for the religious sisters based on the Jubilee Year. The sisters were divided into five groups, and given a question to discuss and share their views. Fr Edward Jacinto, the Dean, addressed the sisters. Frs Anselm and John too were present for the same. The programme ended with some innovative games and spot prizes.

                     Sr Ashalata, SRA

Communion of Consecrated Disciples

Sunday, February 2, 2025 was a memorable day for parishioners of Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Karjat, and the many pilgrims from various places who participated in the Eucharistic celebration. To commemorate World Day of the Consecrated, the Parish Priest, Fr Joe D'Mello invited all the Religious Men and Women congregations (from Karjat parish) to participate at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Every congregation was given a different role to play in the liturgical animation.

A representative of each congregation spoke about the charism of their congregation and their specific mission in Karjat. This information and sharing was an eye-opener to many about the good work that was being done.

After Mass, the religious communities were treated to a simple breakfast, followed by a get-together next to the parochial house. Fr Joe conducted the ice-breaker session followed by a session called "Know your neighbour". Many fellowship activities continued, with everyone getting to know one another better. A new sense of camaraderie and friendship was forged amongst the religious communities. The programme concluded with a lavish lunch.

For the first time, sisters from Matheran Carmelites, Ursulines from Jeevan Jyoti Care Centre, Good Shepherd sisters from Gundge, Teresian Carmelites, Pilar Fathers, Salesians and SVDs came together for this programme, and we hope that this is the start of many more. Our gratitude to Fr Joe for organising this wonderful celebration of Consecrated Life.

         Fr Anthony Santarita, Sdb (Karjat)